Special assistance for those who need it during evacuation
Are you an “at-risk resident,” disabled or elderly, who may need assistance in the event of a wildfire?
The Oak Park Fire Safe Council (OPFSC) is forming a phone tree with the objective of contacting registered at-risk residents to warn them in the event of a wildfire.
The Fire Safe Council will also work with Oak Park Firewise communities to contact at-risk residents via emails, texts, calls, and in some cases in person. If you register with us as an at-risk resident, please be sure you have supplied us with your correct, up-to-date phone number, email address, and home address.
If you wish to register as an at-risk resident, you can do so HERE.
Please be sure to complete all the form’s fields with your up-to-date contact information.
If you wish to volunteer to be on our at-risk resident phone tree, please contact us.
While OPFSC will give our best effort to contact our registered at-risk residents, we are not an emergency service and should not be relied on for assistance. Please be sure to follow your local fire department’s evacuation recommendations.
By checking the box in the registration or newsletter signup form, you both understand and agree to the conditions that our at-risk resident phone tree is provided under the “Good Samaritan Laws,” which protect people who provide reasonable assistance to those who are injured, ill, or incapacitated.
The phone tree’s ability to contact and assist you is on a best-efforts basis and is not guaranteed.