Oak Park Fire Safe Council September 2024 Update

We have been awarded an exciting new grant to mitigate the brush and tree fire danger in the Lindero and Medea Creek communities, as we continue to move forward with Firewise and to prepare for the big October 5 open house. Here are our major activities and accomplishments in August: Firewise Vents have been ordered […]

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Oak Park awarded $623,000 Fire Prevention Grant

The Oak Park Fire Safe Council has just received a $623,000 grant from Cal Fire that provides funding to reduce the fire hazard along Medea and Lindero Creeks in Oak Park. These open space riparian areas are wholly owned and maintained by Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District (RSRPD), which will be working with us

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Firewise Certificates

Oak Park has a number of Firewise USA® recognized communities. California has enacted “Safer from Wildfires” requiring insurance companies to recognize Firewise USA® designated communities by providing discounts to property owners in those communities.  Country Meadows, Country Glen, Canyon Cove, and Regency Hills (Regency/Chambord) have been designated by NFPA as Firewise Communities. You can download your Certificate today,

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Oak Park Fire Safe Council August 2024 Update

Oak Park Fire Safe Council continues to move forward with Firewise communities. We are also putting a strong focus on how Firewise communities can help at-risk residents and are beginning to help these communities implement assessment recommendations with new tools. Here are our major activities and accomplishments in July: Firewise Country Glen HOA was awarded

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Special Assistance

Special assistance for those who need it during evacuation Are you an “at-risk resident,” disabled or elderly, who may need assistance in the event of a wildfire? The Oak Park Fire Safe Council (OPFSC) is forming a phone tree with the objective of contacting registered at-risk residents to warn them in the event of a

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Southern California Edison Thomas Fire Settlement

Southern California Edison to pay the federal government and additional $80 million for expenses related to the 2017 Thomas Fire Southern California Edison has agreed to pay the federal government $80 million to help cover expenses caused by the 2017 Thomas Fire, the Justice Department said Monday. Federal officials called it a “record” settlement, one

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Redefining the Urban Wildfire Problem in the West

(Above) The Wildfire Disaster Sequence: severe wildfire potential and extreme conditions will quickly overwhelm wildfire suppression resources. Vulnerable structures will ignite and lead to an urban conflagration and fire disaster. Structures built to be ignition-resistant are more likely to survive and can interrupt the disaster sequence. Leading wildfire experts make the case that creating wildfire-resistant

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Becoming Firewise

Why do you want your community to be a Firewise USA community? You have seen in our newsletters much discussion about becoming Firewise recognized. So, what are the benefits to you and your community, and what do you need to do in order to secure those benefits? Proactive measures can significantly mitigate wildfire danger. One

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Oak Park Fire Safe Council July Update

One of the best ways to deal with California’s current homeowners insurance problem (as evidenced by the cancellation letters many Oak Park residents have begun to receive), is to become a Firewise USA Community. Insurers recognize these community programs as well as work done on individual homes. You can go to our website at Firewise-Wildfire

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Oak Park Fire Safe Council June Update

We have had many residents share with us their stories of insurance cancellation letters. This problem is very real right now, and engaging us for a free Home Wildfire Assessment and becoming part of a Firewise Community are two good ways we can fight back. Here is what we did in May to address the

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