OPFSC March 2025 Update

Message From the Oak Park Fire Safe Council 

While we continue to hold those who suffered a devastating loss during the horrific January fires in our thoughts, we remain diligent in creating a fire-resilient community here in Oak Park with the goal of all of Oak Park ultimately becoming Firewise designated. 

It’s likely you are already doing things to support your neighborhood becoming Firewise, just by doing basic yard work. These activities help to bring us closer to meeting our goals of making the community safer by mitigating fire risk and lowering insurance costs. We encourage you to go to the Firewise tab on the Oak Park Fire Safe Council website and click on and fill out the Firewise Activity Submission Form to add your contribution to this effort. 

Wildfire Behaviour Triangle

Small fires that become big fires are due to fuel and high winds with low humidity.
We cannot control the weather or topography, but we can reduce the fuel!

A big congratulations to Tract 3141 for becoming Firewise recognized!

Congratulations to Tract 3141, which includes Country Highlands and Country Meadows III, for being recognized as a Firewise community.

On March 1st, a Zoom presentation was given to residents of the Tract 3141 Firewise Community. 

A PDF of the presentation can be viewed here: Tract 3141 Presentation

If you reside in that community or if you are interested in learning more about being part of the Tract 3141 Firewise community, please contact Angela Ruiz at: [email protected]

Here are our major activities and accomplishments in February:


  • There have been a few recent additions to the website to better assist you. Please take a look at Quick Links which contains many helpful resources. Here you will find information about Firewise, Insurance and Firewise Certificates for those communities to present to their insurance companies, Home Assessments, Cal Fire and how to Retrofit your home for fire resilience.


  • Residents, did you know you are able to sign up for a FREE home hardening assessment? An assessor will come to your home and make suggestions on how you can better protect your home from fire and embers. For example, it is recommended by most fire safety organizations to have 1/8-inch mesh vent screens on your home to keep embers out. We will have a comprehensive list on our website soon of installers who provide this service.
  • The Oak Park Fire Safe Council is not part of a government agency. The report is not seen by anyone else but you, and there are no compliance requirements involved. It is for educational purposes only, but taking action on the assessor’s observations could save your home.
  • We are looking to train would-be assessors to better meet the needs of the Oak Park community. Assessors are paid per assessment. Please contact Ed Reiner at [email protected] if you are interested.  

Quick Updates

  • The Oak Park Fire Safe Council is in ongoing discussions with Rancho Simi Parks and Recreation regarding clearing Medea Creek. 

  • The OPFSC is in conversation with CERT as a potential partner to assist, especially during evacuation. 

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