OPFSC April 2025 Update

Your Oak Park Fire Safe Council has many exciting announcements this month! 

We are very fortunate to have secured a partnership with the Center for Geospatial Science and Technology from California State University Northridge. They created an interactive mapping tool as it relates to fire readiness specifically for Oak Park, which you can utilize. We encourage you to learn more about this executing additional resource by checking it out on our webpage!

CLICK HERE to learn more about this mapping tool.


There has been a large increase in requests for home hardening assessments and we have been hard at work to shorten the response time. Our Operations Chair, Ed Reiner, has done a fantastic job securing Melissa Brown as our new Oak Park designated home hardening assessor. She comes to us with impressive credentials and we welcome her knowledge and experience! 

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown

We are excited to welcome Melissa Brown to our team as a Home Hardening Assessor. With a Bachelor’s degree in Wildfire Science, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise, bolstered by her experience as a Wildland Firefighter and Defensible Space Inspector. Her commitment to enhancing community resilience against wildfires is reflected in her passion for educating homeowners about effective home hardening techniques and defensible space practices. Melissa’s unique perspective and dedication to protecting both people and the environment will be invaluable as we work together to improve fire safety and sustainability in our communities. 

We are looking to onboard more qualified people for this job. If you are interested, please contact [email protected]  Training is available and compensation is provided.

We encourage you to sign up for a home hardening assessment on our website to take advantage of this free service. We do not report to any government agency and you are NOT required to follow any of the recommendations. At the very least, it’s a good way to become educated about the potential dangers you and your home may currently be exposed to.

CLICK HERE to request your free home hardening assessment.


For those who missed the informational Firewise meeting on March 1 for the Tract 3141 HOA, please reach out to the Firewise Captain, Angela Ruiz, at [email protected]

If you are interested in learning about how your HOA or neighborhood can become Firewise designated, please reach out to our Chairman, John Faucher at [email protected] to help you get started.

Please record your Firewise Activities
To ensure your Firewise Community fulfills its annual commitment and continues to be recognized as a Firewise Community, you must submit your Firewise Activities. You can submit the activities after you complete them or submit them once a month, whichever is easier for you. The quick and easy Firewise Activities submission form is found on our website under the Firewise tab. Please let us know about any Firewise-related structural and garden work completed, both the hours and/or dollars spent—and this includes paying your gardener. Your small contribution makes a big difference in protecting and sustaining your Firewise community!

CLICK HERE to submit your Firewise Activities.

Chipper Day

Chippers are coming to your residence in eastern Oak Park on May 30. You can pile up your yard debris, leave it at the end of your driveway, and a chipper will come by to reduce it to a heap of mulch. 

CLICK HERE to register for Chipper Day.

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