Oak Park’s First Firewise Community

Congratulations to Oak Park’s first Firewise USA community.

In an article in last month’s newsletter, we discussed the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Firewise Program, which was specifically developed to protect communities from wildfire. The program improves the wildfire resiliency of the community and the individual homes and is recognized for doing so by California and its insurance companies. This improves the likelihood of your entire community retaining insurance and reducing its cost.

Now, Country Glen HOA has become the first community in Oak Park and the eighth in Ventura County to be so recognized, with a couple of other HOAs soon to follow.

This recognition is the culmination of several months’ work by the Country Glen Firewise Community, assisted by the Oak Park Fire Safe Council (OPFSC). Country Glen had to create a risk assessment and a three-year plan, hold an initial public event, and submit the equivalent of one volunteer hour for each home in the community over the past year in order to achieve its new status. It was assisted in this effort by OPFSC, the Ventura County Fire Department, and the Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council.

“The process of becoming a Firewise USA recognized community has been smooth with the support of the OPFSC and VCFD,” said Elizabeth Genta, the Firewise captain for Country Glen “We formed a small team of volunteers, had some of our individual home assessments done, completed our community assessment and submitted all the required information with our three-year action plan.”

“Many in the neighborhood are grateful and want to make improvements to be a more fire-resilient community. We are now beginning to explore the difference Firewise can make in our insurance rates,” Genta added.

Why did the Country Glen team do this? First and foremost, the program created greater wildfire resiliency in their community, better protection of life and property. Second, the California Department of Insurance (CDI) now mandates that all Homeowners Insurance Plans offer a community discount, and an individual property discount. Many insurance companies already offer the community discount (click here), and some are still working through the rate tables with the CDI. There are a couple of other Community Wildfire Resiliency programs, but Firewise is the most prevalent.

The Oak Park Fire Safe Council is looking to work with all HOAs and neighborhoods in Oak Park in order to secure Firewise USA recognition. Each neighborhood needs one person to get things started. So we need you! If you are interested in helping lead or participate in this effort in your neighborhood, please reach out to the council at info@opfsc.org.

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